Google Certification Course: Step-by-Step Instructions


Hello and welcome to our thorough guide on earning a Google Certification! In this blog article, we’ll take you step-by-step through the procedure for obtaining your Google Certification while offering you insightful advice all along the way. This manual covers all the bases, whether you’re interested in Google Ads, Google Analytics, or any other Google certification.

Google Certification Course | MSDM

Choose Your Certification Path

When choosing a Google Certification course, it’s crucial to consider your career objectives and interests. Google offers certifications in data analysis, cloud computing, and digital marketing. Research and compare the options to find the best fit for your goals. Data analysis, consider the Google Data Analytics Certification. For cloud computing, explore certifications like Cloud Architect, Data Engineer, or Cloud Developer. For digital marketing, the Google Ads Certification is popular. Choose wisely based on your career goals and desired skills.

Understand the Certification Requirements

Knowing the precise requirements is crucial once you’ve decided on your certification path. Each Google certification has its own requirements, such as finishing particular courses, passing examinations, or having the required amount of experience. To make sure you’re prepared and have the required credentials, take the time to grasp these prerequisites.

Access Learning Resources

To prepare for your Google Certification course, utilize Google Analytics Academy, Google Skillshop, and Google Cloud Training. These resources offer online training materials, tutorials, and test prep to enhance your knowledge and skills. Google Analytics Academy focuses on data analysis, while Google Skillshop covers various Google products like Google Ads. Google Cloud Training is valuable for cloud computing certifications. Make the most of these resources to succeed in your Google Certification journey.

Prepare and Practice

Success on any certification exam requires thorough planning and practise. Make a study schedule, divide the material into small chunks, and set aside time just for studying. To strengthen your comprehension of the ideas, go through the readings from the course, take practise tests, and work on practical tasks. Don’t be afraid to look for other resources, such study aids or online discussion boards, to broaden your knowledge.

Schedule and Take the Exam

Schedule your certification exam as soon as you are certain of your competence and expertise. To choose a comfortable exam day and place, go to the Google Certification platform. Review the exam’s guidelines and format in advance. On the day of the exam, be composed, use your time wisely, and give each question your best effort.


In summary, the Mohali School of Digital Marketing offers a comprehensive and practical learning experience for individuals looking to excel in the field of digital marketing. With its industry-relevant curriculum, experienced faculty, and emphasis on hands-on training, the school equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape. Additionally, the school’s strong industry connections and internship opportunities provide valuable exposure and networking possibilities. By choosing the Mohali School of Digital Marketing, students are investing in their future and positioning themselves for a successful career in digital marketing.